Tax Time – What you need to know

On June 19, 2024
Are you seeking clarification on how salary packaging impacts your tax obligations?
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Winners of the 2024 Federal Budget explained

On May 15, 2024
The 2024 Federal Budget was released 14th May 2024 addressing areas of Cost-of-Living challenges faced by everyday Australians.
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Remote Area Benefits – Do they apply to you?

On May 13, 2024
So, you have signed up for Salary Packaging and wonder what are Remote Area benefits about?
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2024 the Eziway

On April 18, 2024
The year of 2024 has been a remarkable one for Eziway, marked by an impressive array of accomplishments and milestones. With our innovative technological advancements, we have launched a new website that embodies the very essence of Eziway's values in a digital form. The website is equipped with new features on salary packaging benefits, novated leasing benefits and the popular Eziway car search tool, which has captured the imagination of thousands of users, with over 3000 hits per week and peaking on a Saturday morning. Check it out for yourself <a href=""> </a>
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Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)

On April 16, 2024
The Australian Government has flagged changes to the HECS and placement pay as the government received recommendations for a major review of the university sector.
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Proposed Tax Cuts for the 2024/25 Financial Year

On January 29, 2024
The government has announced tax cuts for the 2024/25 financial year to ease the rising cost of living.
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Victorian Zero and Low Emission Road User Charge Tax Removed

On November 13, 2023
Update on the user charge tax relating to EV and PHEV has been announced for Victorian Drivers.
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Should you make voluntary repayments to HECS?

On October 16, 2023
HECS/HELP debt is a commonly discussed topic in today’s climate with rising costs of living, raising the question, should you make only the compulsory repayments to your HECS debt or should you make additional voluntary repayments.
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Decrease in Toyota RAV4 Wait Times: A Ray of Hope Amidst Car Shortages

On May 16, 2023
Over the past three years, the wait for a RAV4 stretched to an excruciating two-year period. Thankfully, Toyota has taken note of the predicament and is revamping its vehicle allocation process, placing a newfound emphasis on customers who have been waiting the longest.
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Federal Budget 2023-2024 – An Ezi Explanation

On May 10, 2023
While the Labour Government focuses their attention on providing relief on the cost of living and stablising the economy, Salary Packaging FBT Exemptions remain unchanged for 2023-24.
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