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On February 24, 2022
For several Not-for-Profit organisations, the service provider relationship is a vital one. So why have the last few years caused many NFPs to reassess these relationships? And what vital role do service providers need to play to demonstrate they’re with them every step of the way?


The past three years have been a gruelling test of resilience for many industries and sectors across Australia.


This has proved to be the case for organisations in the Not-for-Profit sector as they deal with a myriad of interconnected issues and challenges brought on by the pandemic


Issues that range from finding new ways to fund their vital services, to mobilising their people to continue doing great work from home, all whilst embracing various forms of digital technology to meet their needs.


Another major challenge affecting many NFP organisations has been employee attraction and retention, particularly for those operating in the broader human service sectors of disability, public health, and aged care.


As a result, many of these organisations have come to appreciate the importance of developing strategic partnerships with service providers who understand their core business needs and the challenges they may encounter particularly during difficult times.


At a time when human resources are scarce due to the pandemic, what initiatives can these organisations employ to attract and retain what has become their most valuable assets? And what vital role have service providers begun to play towards their success?


For most NFPs, who don’t have huge amounts of cash flow, incentivising employees with high salaries is an unrealistic option. Cue in, Salary Packaging. For the past two decades, an unprecedented number of NFPs have utilised this ATO approved method to attract and retain employees.

Paul Gozzo,  Managing Director of Eziway Group explains,
“Not only does Salary Packaging  lower your taxable income and increase your take-home pay, one of its greatest benefits is the security it gives to employees, as it isn’t linked to company profits or revenue - it’s something that can be relied on even during the most challenging times.”


In addition,  attractive salary packaging options can serve as a sign of a strong culture within an organisation that values the welfare of its people.


For most NFPs, partnering with a provider that shares their vision, understands their priorities and the importance of establishing a relationship founded on trust and transparency has become a core necessity.


A viewpoint backed by Churches of Christ Queensland (CoCQ) CEO Gary Edwards,

“When dealing with people’s pay, it’s vital that open communication and a respectful relationship occurs with our service provider. Our priority will always be our amazing team members, a priority that our salary packaging provider, Eziway, also shares. “

Paul believes that in this ever-changing landscape more is required from service providers than the ability to deliver outstanding customer support, a well-known hallmark of Eziway’s service offering,
“Service providers need to be able to bridge the gap between technology and business to help their clients achieve ambitious business targets. But doing so requires service providers to gain a deeper understanding of underlying processes to provide expertise and technology platforms that deliver agile and at-scale business-process solutions. “


For close to two decades Eziway has remained committed to developing technology ecosystems that provide NFPs with a platform for true digital transformation.


By identifying industry gaps and understanding the needs of their client base, Eziway has been at forefront of developing industry-leading technologies and integrated solutions for salary packaging and novated lease services.


As uncertainty continues to abound, now more so than ever it’s imperative that  NFPs are provided with solutions to retain and attract employees and that they can confidently count on a service provider who is with them every step of the way.


Visit to learn more about the service solutions available to NFPs.




Bertha Conde | Eziway Group
03 8768 5777

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